Hospitality is receiving and extending the welcome of Jesus. It’s the intentional act of making room for others. God has extended his welcome to us through Jesus, therefore we all have the privilege of extending it to others. Thus at Antioch we don’t just rely on a select team of servants to be hospitable for us, but we involve everyone in the ministry.

 A Word to Facilitators 

  • Leading up to the Sunday Gathering mobilize your group to serve in hospitality.

  • If needed, people may serve in multiple roles (as few as five people can do it all).

  • Make sure everyone knows to arrive at 10 AM and to find the lanyard(s) for their role(s).

  • If there are any roles you cannot fill, please let Cherise know as soon as possible. 

  • If there are youth in your group, remember to mobilize them to serve as well.

Overall Roles (copy-paste these into your group’s messaging thread to guide signups)

  • Greeting - 1-2 servants

  • Communion - 5 members - 2 on each side with bread and juice and 1 add’l on the right with gluten-free and juice

  • Ushering - 2 servants

  • Cleaning - 1-2 servants

  • Praying - 1-2 servants

Role Descriptions (these descriptions are also listed on the specified lanyards) 

Greeting People - 1-2 servants

Main Goal: Warmly welcome our members and visitors. In this role, you have the unique opportunity to anticipate the needs of others. This may mean helping a mom carry a bag or pointing visitors to kids’ check-in or the coffee bar. 


  • Open and hold doors at the visitors entrance

  • Assist with umbrellas when raining

  • Pay close attention to visitors and anyone with special needs

  • Keep the entrance areas dry and clean using large flat mop to keep water from pooling

  • Greet people warmly, but make sure traffic keeps moving

  • Do not overwhelm people with a large cluster of greeters

  • Try to encourage Antioch members to head towards the auditorium for fellowship instead of the hall. This will create a calmer and less intimidating entrance for our guests. 


Serving Communion - 5 members

Main Goal: Prepare and serve communion, allowing the church to remember and proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.


  • All communion materials (bread, juice & Crackers) are in/on the office refrigerator. Put the bread loaf on the platter, covering each side with a red napkin. Pour the juice into three chalices. Place gluten-free crackers into a bowl. Then take everything to the communion table and place it neatly. Make sure there is a black table cloth positioned evenly. The gluten-free chalice and bowl go to the right side.

  • Come forward to serve communion while the preacher is praying (same as the worship team). One person holds the bread and the other holds the chalice on each side and one additional person will hold the gluten-free bowl and chalice on the right side. When serving the bread say, “The body of Christ, broken for you.” When serving the juice say, “The blood of Christ, shed for you.” 

  • When it seems that everyone has come, serve one another communion, return the materials to the table, and then be seated. 

  • After the gathering, dispose of the bread and clean the chalices and bowls, then return everything to the office refrigerator. 


Ushering - 2 servants

Main Goal: Make people feel welcome by finding seating in the auditorium, and facilitating the church’s act of giving. 


  • Straighten chairs and re-place pew Bibles before and after the gathering. 

  • Help people find seats as the auditorium gets fuller, asking people to move inward if necessary. 

  • Make sure that aisles and walkways do not get cluttered or congested.

  • Pass the offering baskets during announcements. Place them back on the front table once giving is done. 

  • Look for visitors who have filled out a visitor card and offer to take it.


Cleaning Up - 1-2 servants

Main Goal: Steward what the Lord has given us by taking care of our building and supplies to offer a safe and undistracted space.

Tasks before the gathering:

  • Check men and women’s restrooms for toilet paper, towels and soap. If any of them are out or close to running out, replacements can be found in the supply closet, or check with Cherise

  • Check the kids classrooms to be sure they are neat and ready

  • Check the grounds of the facility for trash, especially around the Antioch roadside sign, the driveway, the parking lot, and around the entrances

Tasks after the gathering:

  • Clean the communion table

  • Check the restrooms: resupply the toilet paper, towels, and soap (utility closet), and take out the trash if full

  • Check the auditorium: make sure that all communion, water, and coffee cups have been discarded; put away stray Bibles; straighten chairs; vacuum or sweep, if necessary

  • Remove ALL remaining trash


Praying - 1-2 servants

Main Goal: Intentionally set aside time to seek the Lord and pray over the church, relying on his power rather than our own. 


  • Pray in the prayer room for 30 minutes prior to the gathering

  • Pray as the Spirit leads, and also use the prayer guide in the prayer room

  • Pray for the gathering that is about to take place

  • Join the pastors in the back during communion in order to pray for people

Rotation of Family Groups

  • Week One: Groce

  • Week Two: Williams

  • Week Three: Thomas

  • Week Four: Yeiser

  • Week Five: Deferio

  • Week Six: Harrod