Antioch FC
Antioch has a 120x110 turf field and provide opportunities to the local community for youth soccer, adult soccer and access for underserved teams to have a facility to train and play on. The space was designed for youth soccer and 7v7 or small sided games.
If you have an interest in playing soccer or have children who are looking for soccer in the SouthEnd this is a great opportunity to get connected.
Soccer clinics
Antioch Soccer Clinics are an opportunity for the youth in our community to learn more about the game of soccer and make connections with others their age. God has graciously blessed us with an amazing soccer pitch and we want to use it to build intentional gospel relationships in our community!
Youth clinics
Antioch provides free soccer clinics to children ages 5-11 in a four 4 week Spring and 4 week Fall session. Check out the page for dates, times & to register for more information:
adult pickup
Adults play soccer throughout the week in the early morning and late evenings. Join the GroupMe App group to see dates and times, and click “going” to join the fun. More information here:
field usage
At this time Antioch is not renting the field out or allowing usage of play outside of Antioch youth clinics, adult pickup or designated partners. If you are a local church or youth team that needs a field, please do reach out to learn more about options:
Rules of the Field
Play at own risk
Children under 12 must be accompanies by an adult
Please stay hydrated
Synthetic surfaces will retain heat and be hotter than playing on grass
All trash must go in trash receptacle
Personal Belongings: Please DO NOT bring valuables and bring as few items as possible with you to the field. Antioch is not responsible for lost items.
Metal cleats are NOT ALLOWED in ANY of our games.
Alcoholic beverages of ANY kind.
Animals of ANY kind
No food or non-water drinks of any kind on the field
No glass containers
No explosives or firearms
This is a community program; we do not tolerate disrespectful language, behavior or play.
Language: There shall be no foul or abusive language at games.
Slide-tackling/Tackles: there shall be no overly aggressive play including no slide tackling.
Have a positive attitude
Call your own fouls, and no one else's. No proxy wars. That's how world wars start.
If someone calls a foul, you must respect the call.
Opportunities at Antioch’s Soccer Field
Adult Pickup
There is adult pick up game that is played leveraging an app called Group Me. You can learn more about where these adults play and how they play here:
They play throughout the week early in the morning or late at night. All ages are welcome to join into the pickup game. They will play games from 4v4 to 11v11 depending on the number of players who opt-in to the events.
Youth Clinics
Twice annually Antioch provides free kids clinics to the community ages 5-11. Learn more here:
Field Usage
We currently have some partnerships developing to leverage the field for youth soccer training.
If you are a church or ministry interested in leveraging Antioch’s soccer pitch for an outreach experience to an underserved community, please reach out to Antioch to learn more about the opportunities available.
If you are an underserved community leader who has a soccer team or wishes to start a soccer program for kids in the community and would like to learn more about the opportunity to utilize Antioch’s soccer pitch - please reach out to Antioch to learn more about the opportunities available.